NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION is just ahead for on-campus undergraduate students! Look over the things you need to know Before You Arrive. After that, check out the Orientation Week Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions below. We can't wait to see you on campus!
Before You Arrive
International students arrive at Andrews University from nearly 100 countries worldwide–some as first-year students and others as transfer students.
Each of you has unique needs that our Orientation Week program is tailored to meet.
Thursday arrival: If you have already had an orientation experience at another institution, you may sign up to participate in the whole week, or you may opt to sign up for a later Thursday, August 22, check-in. Transfer students arriving on Thursday will participate in an abbreviated Orientation experience, August 23-25.
* International transfer students also have the choice of arriving on Monday or Thursday, with the added expectation that you attend International Student Orientation on Monday, August 18 (for Sunday arrivals) or Sunday, August 24 (for Thursday arrivals). These are listed in the schedule.
* International first-year students should plan to arrive on Sunday afternoon, August 17, from 1-4 p.m. International Student Orientation will be held on Monday, August 18, from 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m. New international students living in our residence halls who may need to request an early move-in should refer to the section "Can I move into the Residence Hall early?" below.
If you arrive later in the week, please check in at the Enrollment Office on the first floor of the Administration Building during business hours (Mon-Thu, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and Fri, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.).
If you haven’t received financial clearance before arriving, you will need to see our Student Financial Services staff located on the first floor of the Administration Building from Mon-Thur, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and Fri, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: Students must be registered for classes and financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.
If financially cleared, you may move into your residence hall on Monday, August 18.
Move-in begins during your FIRST STOP appointment, where you will check in with Residence Life staff. After completing FIRST STOP, you may move your belongings into your assigned Residence Hall room. If you are arriving outside of FIRST STOP hours, please schedule a move-in appointment by going to Step 6 of your residence hall application.
REMEMBER: Students must be registered for classes and financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.REMEMBER: Students must be registered for classes and financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.
Orientation Week Schedule—Fall 2025
TBA | Accepted Students Day
Time: 12:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Administration Building
Description: New students and parents can come on campus and receive assistance with completing financial and academic registration. You also have the option to take the Math Placement Exam (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.). Sign up here.
TBA | Parents and Supporters Pre-Orientation Webinar
Time: 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Location: Online Webinar - Via Zoom and the AU Facebook Page
Description: Join AVP Alyssa Palmer and guests for a conversation about the challenges and changes ahead. You'll also learn about the supports available for you and your students during the transition to University life. There will be an opportunity for Q&A.
International Student Orientation
Location: Dining Center, Lincoln Room
Description: This session is for new international undergraduates. Breakfast is provided. Please plan to attend, as it is required by law.
First Stop
Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center
Description: Be sure to sign up for a First Stop check-in time HERE. We'll produce your ID Card, check the status of your Registration, complete your Residence Hall check-in (for residential students), sign you up for a free Andreasen Center for Wellness membership, and much more.
Move into the Residence Halls
Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Location: Residence halls
Description: Move-in begins at First Stop. Once you have completed the check-in process at First Stop, you may move into your assigned room. REMEMBER: Students must be financially cleared before moving into the residence halls.
Convocation & Matriculation Ceremony
Time: 4:30–6:00 p.m.
Location: Pioneer Memorial Church
Description: New students and their families are invited to attend this Convocation service, which will end with a special Matriculation ceremony underneath the bridge of the Undergraduate Learning Center.
President's Welcome Dinner
Time: 6:00–7:00 p.m.
Location: Undergraduate Learning Center Lawn
Description: New students and their families are invited to join the University President, Dr. John Wesley Taylor V, for a Michigan farm-to-fork dinner, catered by our very own Bon Appetit dining services.
Hispanic/Latino Students & Families Meet-Up
Time: 7:00–8:00 p.m.
Location: Buller Hall, Room 108
Description: The Andrews University Latino Association invites new Hispanic students and their families to come and get acquainted!
Honors Freshman Rally
Time: 8:00–9:00 p.m.
Location: Buller Hall, Newbold Auditorium
Description: Was your ACT composite score 25 or higher or your SAT (Math+Verbal) score 1200 or higher? Your GPA 3.50 or above? You might qualify for the Honors Program. Discover all of the benefits of being an Andrews Scholar.
Opening Assembly
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center
Description: This is a required meeting and attendance will be taken. Please bring your ID card with you.
Student Success Workshops #1-2
Session Title & Location | 2:00 - 2:50 p.m. | 3:00 - 3:50 p.m. | |
Coping Strategies for College
Buller Hall, Room 149
Groups #1-3 | Groups #19-22 | |
Essential Study Skills
Buller Hall, Room 150
Groups #4-6
Groups #1-3
Academic Tips & Tools
Buller Hall, Newbold Auditorium
Groups #7-10
Groups #4-6
First Steps to Career Readiness
Buller Hall, Room 250
Groups #11-14 | Groups #7-10 | |
Optimizing Physical Wellbeing
Buller Hall, Room 251
Groups #15-18 | Groups #11-14 | |
Creating a Culture of Respect
Buller Hall, Room 108
Groups #19-22 | Groups #15-18 |
Academic Advising (as needed)
Location: Academic Offices
Undergraduate Leadership Reception (Supper Provided)
Location: Dining Center, Lincoln Room
New International Student Dinner
Location: Faehner Home
Description: New international students are invited to enjoy a meal at the home of vice president Frances Faehner. Meet in the PMC parking lot at 5:30 p.m. for a bus ride to the Faehner home.
Community Life Orientation
Time: 7:00–8:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom (the link will be emailed to community students on Tuesday afternoon, August 20)
Description: Community students will receive important information about navigating campus life from Dean Matthew Fitting. This is a required meeting for all community students.
Lamson Hall Orientation
Time: 8:00–9:30 p.m.
Location: Lamson Christman Chapel
Description: Residential students will receive important information about your living community from your Residence Hall deans and Residence Life staff. This is a required meeting for all residents.
Meier Hall Orientation
Time: 9:00–10:30 p.m.
Location: Meier Carter Chapel
Description: Residential students will receive important information about your living community from your Residence Hall deans and Residence Life staff. This is a required meeting for all residents.
Academic Assembly
Time: 10:00-10:50 a.m.
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center
Description: This is a required meeting and attendance will be taken. Please bring your ID card with you.
Departmental Introduction
Time: 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Location: Academic Departments
Description: After the Assembly, you will go with your advisor and fellow majors for an introduction to your academic department.
Student Success Workshops #3-4
Session Title & Location | 2:30 - 3:20 p.m. | 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. | |
Coping Strategies for College
Buller Hall, Room 149
Groups #15-18 | Groups #11-14 | |
Essential Study Skills
Buller Hall, Room 150
Groups #19-22
Groups #15-18
Academic Tips & Tools
Buller Hall, Newbold Auditorium
Groups #1-3
Groups #19-22
First Steps to Career Readiness
Buller Hall, Room 250
Groups #4-6 | Groups #1-3 | |
Optimizing Physical Wellbeing
Buller Hall, Room 251
Groups #7-10 | Groups #4-6 | |
Creating a Culture of Respect
Buller Hall, Room 108
Groups #11-14 | Groups #7-10 |
Family Group Assembly
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center
Description: This is a required meeting and attendance will be taken. Please bring your student ID card with you.
Family Groups
Time: 7:30–9:00 p.m.
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center Lawns
Description: It's time to meet your Family Group Leaders and get acquainted with the rest of the students in your Family Group. Please attend the group you were assigned at First Stop. We'll be in the lobby of HPAC to remind you of your group number if you forgot it.
Transfer Student Check-In (Late Arrivals)
Time: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Location: Administration Building, Lower Level
Description: If are a late arrival Transfer student, please sign up to check in at the Administration Building (lower level).
Student Success Workshops #5-6
Session Title & Location | 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. | 11:00 - 11:50 a.m. | |
Coping Strategies for College
Buller Hall, Room 149
Groups #7-10 | Groups #4-6 | |
Essential Study Skills
Buller Hall, Room 150
Groups #11-14
Groups #7-10
Academic Tips & Tools
Buller Hall, Newbold Auditorium
Groups #15-18
Groups #11-14
First Steps to Career Readiness
Buller Hall, Room 250
Groups #19-22 | Groups #15-18 | |
Optimizing Physical Wellbeing
Buller Hall, Room 251
Groups #1-3 | Groups #19-22 | |
Creating a Culture of Respect
Buller Hall, Room 108
Groups #4-6 | Groups #1-3 |
Honors Orientation
Location: Buller Hall, Room 250
Library Introductions
Location: James White Library
Academic Advising (as needed)
Location: Academic Offices
Closing Assembly
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center
Description: This is a required meeting and attendance will be taken. Please bring your student ID card with you.
Family Groups
Description: This is your second Family Group session. You'll meet in the same spot as you did on Wednesday night.
Math Placement Exam
Time: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Location: Science Complex, Haughey Hall, Rooms 133 & 317
Description: The MPE is for students who have not reported SAT/ACT test scores or wish to place into a math class higher then their current scores permit. View scoring details here. We recommend preparing for and taking the MPE before arriving on campus; else, you can take it at this time.
Music Ensemble Auditions and Academic Advising (as needed)
Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Location: Music Department, Academic Offices
Description: If you are auditioning for a music ensemble, it may be scheduled during this time. If you still need to meet with your academic advisor, this time is set aside for individual academic advising appointments.
Transfer Student Welcome Lunch & Details
Time: 12:00–1:30 p.m.
Location: Lincoln Room, Dining Services
Description: If are a Transfer student, please plan to join us for this welcome dinner and information session!
Pre-Professional Rally
Time: 2:00–3:00 p.m.
Location: Buller Hall, Newbold Auditorium
Description: Students in pre-professional programs (pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-vet, pre-law) are invited to attend this introductory session.
Silver Beach Excursion
Location: Buses depart from the Pioneer Memorial Church parking lot
New Student Beach Vespers
Location: Shadowland Pavilion, Silver Beach, St. Joseph
Travel to AU and Afterglow Experience
Location: PMC Youth Chapel
Description: Do you have a song or spoken word you'd like to share with others? Perhaps something that has been encouraging in your own spiritual life? This will be an "open mic" time of sharing with your new campus family.
Location: HPAC (Campus Fellowships SS), PMC Commons (PMC Collegiate SS)
Description: All new and returning college students are welcome to become acquainted with these worship and study communities prior to attending the special AU 150 New Student Welcome Sabbath. A light breakfast will be served at both.
New Student Welcome Sabbath: "AU 150 - Founded in Faith. Forward in Mission."
Location: PMC
PMC Welcome Potluck
Location: In front of PMC
Description: PMC church members will host a lasagna potluck lunch following the 11:45 a.m. service. Join a table hosted by one of our local families and make some new friends!
ACW New Student Member Night
Time: 8:15–11:00 p.m.
Location: Andreasen Center for Wellness
Description: Come and experience all that the Andreasen Center for Wellness has to offer! We'll start with sundown vespers. After the program, there will be basketball and volleyball in the gymnasium, swimming in the pool, relaxation in the Healing Oasis (dry sauna, steam bath, whirlpool and waterfall, infrared room), and treats in the courtyard. It's going to be a great evening!
International Student Orientation
Welcome (Back) Ice Cream Social
Location: In front of Campus Center
Description: Join Student Involvement, Leadership, and Activities (SILA) and returning students for a new-fashioned ice cream social to start the academic year.
Location: Meier Hall Carter Chapel
Description: Ekklesia is a ministry that mentors new students in worship and music leadership roles. Come out for their first worship experience and see how you can get involved!
Frequently Asked Questions
You will receive an Andrews ID card when you come to campus, either at FIRST STOP on August 18 or on the second floor of the Administration Building at all other times. Please note that you must be financially cleared for it to be activated.
You can purchase a great selection of books, supplies and University merchandise at the Bookstore. For textbooks, check out the Bookstore's First Day® Complete program, a cost-effective, all-in-one solution that guarantees you'll be ready for the first day of class!
Meals in the Terrace Cafe are on a fixed price, all-you-care-to-eat basis. Your Andrews ID card and meal plan will work at the cashier if you are financially cleared. Otherwise, be prepared to pay with a credit or debit card. Cash is not accepted.
Please note: For dietary accommodations, please contact the main office 269-471-3161 to speak with the executive chef directly and set up a meeting to discuss your specific situation.
Yes, all students are allowed to have a vehicle on campus. To register your vehicle, go to our Vehicles & Parking webpage.
What is the MPE? The purpose of the MPE is to maximize your success by placing you in the best-fit math course. We recommend that you complete your math placement before arriving on campus by following these instructions to sign up for the preparation and placement module where you can review and then take the MPE through remote proctoring. You can also take the MPE during orientation week on campus, if necessary.
Do you need to take the MPE? Check your "Academic Information" on your iVue page and compare your score to the prerequisite of the math class needed for your desired major in consultation with your advisor or the Department of Mathematics (math@snsxedu.net). A score of 46 or higher (P2) is needed before you can enroll in a General Education math course. Developmental courses are available to support those who score lower.
Andrews University makes necessary accommodations for students with disabilities, both learning and physical. Students requesting support from the Student Success Center should provide written documentation from a qualified professional as early as possible.
For more information, please visit the Department of Intensive English Programs (DIEP) website.
Through AU Alert, Andrews will send emergency notification alerts to the campus. During emergencies and weather closings, text messages, emails and voice calls will be sent to registered recipients. Be informed and register online.